RPG Characters
Likes: Morrowind, early mornings, mist, rain, storms, warm drinks, Sujamma,
Smart people, beautiful things, books and reading, magic, People who stand behind their ideals and words.
Dislikes: Children, loud noises, crowded places, bright lights, being idle, cock fights, feeling threatened, being weak, vampire hunters, silver, Strong smells.
Hobbies: Incense making, reading, brooding
Positive & Negative Traits:
Patient, Observant, loyal, diligent, intelligent, calm, Adaptable, seemingly Introverted, brooding, has a cruel streak, stubborn, pride, envy, Secretive, holds grudges
Fobias/fears: Cleithrophobia - Fear of being trapped
Interests: Magic/Especially necromancy, pretty things, poetry, Academic discussions.
Tredlyn is hard man to approach, he is seemingly mostly uninterested making friends, or anything of the sort unless it benefits him somehow. He is extremely proud, and is easily offended by rude manners some people seem to present. Tredlyn no matter how stubborn and hard to approach can be intruded to make friends when he meets people who he deems interesting enough, or with people who share similar interests as him, and to those who have managed to get on his good side he is steadfast and loyal friend or ally. It is always bonus in Tredlyn's books if people he meets aren't too nosy about his past from which he is tight lipped. Trying to pry it from the man will fast earn his distrust and dislikes.
He dislikes meeting vampires more powerful than himself, or being in the same territory/feeding ground with them, unless he knows them very fell and considers them friends, for he hates feeling threatened by any other creature, and they make him feel threatened. (This does apply to anything else that somehow gains upper hand from Tredlyn.) Tredlyn also dislikes being in a near proximity to any 'vermin' vampires, fledglings or other sad examples of their kind who are either too young, stupid or too gone to know how to keep their head down, thus drawing attention of non-vampires. He often may go after them himself or go as far and hire someone to exterminate them for him. Tredlyn also dislikes other vampires crossing over his territory he currently has settled in without his blessing, this earns his ire fast especially if the person does not show remorse doing so.
Tredlyn has likes for any sort of pretty things, be it an objects or people, both can be used to gain his attention, perhaps trust or for deceiving him, so this can be read to one of his major weaknesses.
Man, also, surprisingly perhaps, has taste for romances, short and long. It is not unlike Tredlyn to sometimes go after men he likes, there are even rare cases the old vampire puts real effort to woo subject of his current adoration. He often uses sweet talk to lure his victims in as well, any person should always be vary of overly sweet Tredlyn, he is not always up to good when his tongue suddenly turns silver.
Beliefs and Views on Religion
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Nam hendrerit nisl non diam pellentesque gravida. Nunc eu accumsan massa. Integer elementum diam pretium placerat viverra. Nam nec convallis erat. Mauris sit amet pharetra mauris. Ut imperdiet ullamcorper enim, ac pulvinar tellus. Sed ac quam mollis, feugiat dolor cursus, finibus lectus. Nullam sed massa ut arcu efficitur hendrerit. Duis id quam sed lectus posuere hendrerit in non libero. Phasellus auctor dui vel sollicitudin sodales. Mauris quis risus lacus. Proin et tincidunt mi, non hendrerit diam. Aliquam ligula tortor, fringilla a pharetra et, mollis eu risus. Proin ac quam augue.
Sed gravida fringilla turpis, eu pretium metus tristique eget. Mauris consequat ornare tellus sed tincidunt. Cras et sem risus. Duis vel nisi urna. Vivamus vitae massa dui. Etiam ante massa, ullamcorper eu purus non, tempor vestibulum neque. Ut rhoncus orci nec imperdiet finibus. Integer posuere malesuada orci. Duis tristique hendrerit augue id consequat. Mauris iaculis nibh ac mollis pellentesque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse pharetra porttitor lectus ac sodales. Fusce rhoncus imperdiet ligula at suscipit.