RPG Characters
Nam hendrerit nisl non diam pellentesque gravida. Nunc eu accumsan massa. Integer elementum diam pretium placerat viverra. Nam nec convallis erat. Mauris sit amet pharetra mauris. Ut imperdiet ullamcorper enim, ac pulvinar tellus. Sed ac quam mollis, feugiat dolor cursus, finibus lectus. Nullam sed massa ut arcu efficitur hendrerit. Duis id quam sed lectus posuere hendrerit in non libero. Phasellus auctor dui vel sollicitudin sodales. Mauris quis risus lacus. Proin et tincidunt mi, non hendrerit diam. Aliquam ligula tortor, fringilla a pharetra et, mollis eu risus. Proin ac quam augue.
Raise The Dead: Tredlyn as a Necromancer can raise bodies of recently passed or ones longer term dead. While he technically can raise just fallen people and use them against their allies he prefers not to as magic such like this takes great amount of consecration and can easily go wrong. If he has need for undead, which he rarely does, he prefers to drag body back to whichever place he has set up his lair and do the rituals and spells required there.
Bound Weapons: These are spells he uses often in battle, as while being relatively good mage, he feels better to fight with weapons such as swords.
Soul Trap: Tredlyn constantly has a need for new souls, he prefers souls of humans, Mers and beast-folk, thus he sometimes trick people accept/use his own soul gems which results their life being sapped out and soul sucked out from them.
Conjure Wrathman: Tredlyn has ability to conjure Wraithmen, though trapping them from Soul Cairn is hard and he usually uses them only in fights he doesn't seem to win otherwise.
Cloak of Fire: while fire created by other sources hurt him, Tredlyn can still, like any other Dunmer, cloak himself in a fiery curtain for a short period of time to block anyone from touching him.
-Pure blood
Nam hendrerit nisl non diam pellentesque gravida. Nunc eu accumsan massa. Integer elementum diam pretium placerat viverra. Nam nec convallis erat. Mauris sit amet pharetra mauris. Ut imperdiet ullamcorper enim, ac pulvinar tellus. Sed ac quam mollis, feugiat dolor cursus, finibus lectus. Nullam sed massa ut arcu efficitur hendrerit. Duis id quam sed lectus posuere hendrerit in non libero. Phasellus auctor dui vel sollicitudin sodales. Mauris quis risus lacus. Proin et tincidunt mi, non hendrerit diam. Aliquam ligula tortor, fringilla a pharetra et, mollis eu risus. Proin ac quam augue.
Sunlight: While it doesn't cause burns for Tredlyn, if wounded his body can't heal during daytime. Sun also feels extremely uncomfortable on his skin, and blocks his ability to see well.
Silver: Pure silver, is a weakness to Tredlyn, weapons made from it leave charred painful wounds that take months to heal from his body. However, the weapon used against him, must be made of pure silver without anything mixed in it or it renders the weapon useless against Tredlyn.
Fire: Fire is one of his major weaknesses, it causes painful burns on his skins that just don't seem to heal fast, healing them may take several weeks, even up to a month.
Lust for blood: If extremely starved his need to feed might overcome his senses.
Addiction to Blood: Some people have taste on their blood, the kind that makes Tredlyn want only feed on them. This can be used against him, even by the person whose blood has gotten him enthralled. If he gets addicted to person's blood he is unlikely seek any other food sources, which could potentially lead him to brink of severe starvation and coma.
Detect Dead/Detect Life: Skillful mage can detect Tredlyn's true form with this spell, as he does not show up when one uses spells meant to detect live creatures, but appears once one cast spell that should detect all dead beings.
Healing: Tredlyn can't be healed via any healing magic (or normal means), this is because he is dead and its impossible to use healing spells to knit his dead flesh/organs/bones back together.
Night vision: Tredlyn is able to see well even in near darkness.
Ability to Drain blood from victim: This only works if the person he is fighting has been injured, smaller the wound/s, smaller the amount he can drain out from the person via magic.
Ability to charm people: Tredlyn can easily charm people, to calm them extremely or even lead them to trance like state where everything becomes a blur as if the person was heavily drugged. Strong minds/emotions or mages can break through this charm though.
Invisibility: Tredlyn can turn completely invisible for a some time. However this is only useful if he is not avoiding person who knows spells that detect dead creatures, as he still shows up should spell in question be casted.
Vampire Lord: It is possible Tredlyn to turn himself to creature that twists his Mer-like features into something almost Daedric beast like.
Flight: Tredlyn can fly/float, depending, pure flying can only be managed if he takes his more monstrous form, as it grands him wings but even if he remains as more Mer-like, he can still sort of a float short distances.
Mist: Tredlyn can turn himself briefly to mist, to avoid attack or slip through narrow passages.
Bats: Tredlyn can use forms of bat swarm to avoid attacks or flee short distances, or even get in places he normally wouldn't be able to reach. Killing any of the bats results him quickly and immediately forced to returns his normal form. //Tredlyn can also cloak himself in a swarm of bats that restlessly attack anything near him.
Corpse Curse: Tredlyn can use spell to immobilize his target for a few hours, though some strong mages can break the spell faster.
Supernatural strength and speed: Tredlyn as result of being Vampire is much more stronger than normal individual, though people packed with hefty muscles can still rebel his seemingly inhuman strengths.
Due him being vampire he can also move much more faster than average person.
Swords and Shields
Tredlyn has been originally raised as a noble and a warrior, and he still has fondness for using swords and shields, thus he often carries sword on his person and chooses it in a battle over magic.